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Adult Literacy and Basic Skills for Indigenous Peoples - Elgin

Community-led and non-profit programs that help Indigenous adults with limited formal schooling acquire basic reading, writing, math, and problem-solving skills. These skills make it easier for people to find and keep a job, participate in their communities, and support their children's education.

For high school credit programs, see Academic Upgrading.

See also Continuing Education.

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These services are located outside of Elgin, but provide service to Elgin.
Nokee Kwe - Literacy and Basic Skills  
1069 Wellington Rd S, Unit 104, London, ON  N6E 2H6
519-667-7088 Add to Clipboard
Ontario Native Literacy Coalition  
16 Sunrise Court, Suite 407, PO Box 550, Ohsweken, ON  N0A 1M0
519-445-1539 Add to Clipboard
United for Literacy  
35 Jackes Ave, Toronto, ON
1-800-555-6523 Add to Clipboard
These services may or may not be regulated in Ontario. Consumer Protection Ontario can help you ask the right questions before you choose a service. If you have a concern or serious complaint about a non-regulated service, visit for further information.

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